
Speak Percussion Policies are living documents that are reviewed regularly and developed in line with our Code of Conduct. They reflect the standards we expect from all people and organisations we work with: board, management, staff, contractors, participants and volunteers.

Our policies are currently being reviewed and are under construction.

Please contact info@speakpercussion.com for further enquiries.

COVID19 Action Plan

Code of Conduct

Disability Action Plan

Sustainability Action Plan

Diversity Action Plan

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan



Speak Percussion takes incident reporting seriously.  When an incident is raised, we are committed to simple, confidential, timely and transparent processes. Incidents may include breaches of the Speak Percussion’s Code of Conduct, a near miss or injury, a complaint, an experience of discrimination, or a comment on our policies.

Incident Reports can be completed by anyone engaging with Speak Percussion, including employees, contractors, program participants, volunteers, audiences and the general public.

To record and notify the correct person of an incident, click on, and fill out the relevant form below: 

General Incident Report – Production/ Operations

Incident Report – CEO/ Executive Producer

Incident Report – Chair of the Board of Speak Percussion